
It is a liquid potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si) fertilizer which corrects mineral nutrition and stimulates natural protective functions of the plant. Fertilizer is intended for spraying through leaves. Nutrients contained in the fertilizer and L-protic acid act in a complex way to increase the viability of plants. Due to the effect of silicon, plant tissues have mechanical strength. More active photosynthesis accelerates transportation of organic matter from green tissues to seeds.
Potassium maintains the fluid balance in the plant.
Phosphorus promotes nutrient and energy metabolism.
Silicon performs the main function in the treatment of plants. The purpose of this use is to stimulate resistance to various stresses, diseases, and pathogens.
By regulating the plant fluid system, L-Proline acid acts as an enhancer of natural immunity against
adverse climatic conditions, and it is also responsible for the viability of pollen.


  • optimizes performance of root system,
  • leaf area increases and photosynthesis process is activated,
  • accumulates more dry matter,
  • regulates fluid balance in plants,
  • plants store higher sugar content.
Amount % Amount g/l
Silicon (SiO2) 8,0 115
Water soluble silicon (SiO2) 6,0 85
Potassium (K2O) 20 290
Phosphorus (P2O5) 10 145
Amino acid L – Proline 0,3 4,3
Algae extract 0,1 1,4
pH (1:10 H2O) 12,0-12,5
Density 20C, g/ml 1,42-1,46

Silicare can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products
containing high amounts of copper (Cu), sulphur (S), mineral oils and with alkaline products (pH > 8), with herbicides and
with seed treatment where the label states “do not mix with fertilizers“. Before mixing it is recommended to make a small
amount of the mixture in order to check whether there is no sediment. It is recommended to spray in a small area in
order to check whether there are no phytotoxic effects on plants.