Bigo W

Bigo W ensures the development of a strong root system. Fertilizer strengthens immune system of plants, provides additional energy for early growth and development.
Biostimulants activate the most important vital processes of plants, and strengthen the protective functions of plants, it is an urgent and “shock” aid to plants. It was determined that they stimulate the growth of plant roots, resulting in improved uptake of nutrients.
Analyses have shown that a complex of amino acids and carbohydrates strongly affects the intensity of photosynthesis in plants. We can say that amino acid products with carbohydrates are more useful in stressful situations, and the effect of amino acids changes the phosphorus circulation.
Seaweed extract increases the moisture capacity of the soil, thereby stimulating the activity of soil microorganisms even during drought.

Bigo W – is recommended to use for rapid and productive plant development, when it’s needed to increase plant resistance to adverse conditions.

  • increases seedling germination energy and germination,
  • stimulates development of root system, accelerates root formation,
  • revives root system, weakened by unfavorable growth conditions,
  • improves tillering,
  • helps transplanted plants to recover and grow faster,
  • increases resistance to adverse environmental factors (frost, overheating, excess or deficiency of light and moisture),
  • strengthens immunity of a plant and resistance to diseases,
  • ensures the evenness of vegetative development,
  • supplements plant nutrition with microelements,
  • improves yield quality and fertility.
Amount % Amount g/l
Polysaccharides 5,0 60
Biostimulants 0,45 5,4
Seaweed extract 2,0 24
Amino acids 5,0 60
Nitrogen (N) 5,0 60
Amide nitrogen (N-NH2) 3,7 44
Organic Nitrogen (N-org) 1,3 16
Phosphorus (P2O5) 5,0 60
Potassium (K2O) 5,0 60
Boron (B) 0,1 1,2
Iron (Fe EDTA) 0,2 2,4
Manganese (Mn) 0,1 1,2
Molybdenum (Mo) 0,01 0,12
Zinc (Zn) 0,1 1,2
Copper (Cu) 0,08 0,1
Organic matter 40,0
pH (1:10 H2O) 4,5-5,5
Density 20C, g/ml 1,2-1,25

Bigo W can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products containing high amounts of copper (Cu), sulphur (S), mineral oils and with alkaline products (pH > 8). Before mixing it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture in order to check whether there is no sediment. It is recommended to spray in a small area in order to check whether there are no phytotoxic effects on plants.