Mo 300

Molybdenum (Mo) is a particularly important trace element in nitrogen fixation process. Molybdenum has a positive effect on growth of cereals and legume crops. For normal growth the leguminous plants require more molybdenum than other plants. In leguminous roots, nitrogen-fixing bacteria use molybdenum for process of nitrogen fixation from the air. Lack of this element is found in acidic and light soils. Low temperatures and high levels of usage of nitrogen fertilizers can affect the deficit of molybdenum.
Mo 300 liquid microelement organic molybdenum fertilizer is an innovative, advanced, and highly effective molybdenum complex.

  • high concentration in liquid form, easy to use,
  • very rapidly absorbed,
  • stimulates activity of microorganisms in the soil,
  • by stimulating synthesis of chlorophyll, enhances photosynthesis and increases starch content,
  • increases protein content by accelerating nitrate reduction and protein synthesis,
  • increases process of nitrogen fixation in the roots of leguminous.
10 l
Amount % Amount g/l
Molybdenum (Mo) 18,8 300
pH (1:10 H2O) 4,2-4,7
Density 20C, g/ml 1,55-1,6

Mo 300 can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products containing high amounts of copper (Cu), sulphur (S), mineral oils and with alkaline products (pH > 8). Before mixing it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture in order to check whether there is no sediment. It is recommended to spray in a small area in order to check whether there are no phytotoxic effects on plants.