
Special composition liquid fertilizer enriched with high content of L-amino acids, suitable for all types of crops. These substances supports plant growth. Supports plant growth and development in adverse growth conditions. Fertilizers have an anti-stress effect, plants recover faster after mechanical, chemical and biological damage. IKAR lnfra provides the plant with additional energy and thus improves metabolic processes, optimizes nutrient uptake. All this directly affects the productivity of the plant.

Amount % Amount g/l
Amino acids 20,0 250
Biostimulators 5ppm
Nitrogen (N) 6,8 80
Organic nitrogen (N-org) 5,3 62
Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) 1,5 18
Potassium (K2O) 1,5 18
Manganese (Mn) 1,2 15
Zinc (Zn) 1,2 15
Organic matter 50,0
pH (1:10 H2O) 3,5-4,5
Density 20C, g/ml 1,2-1,25

lnfra can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products containing high amounts of copper (Cu), sulphur (S), mineral oils and with alkaline products (pH > 8). Cannot be mixed with herbicides. Before mixing it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture in order to check whether there is no sediment. It is recommended to spray in a small area in order to check whether there are no phytotoxic effects on plants.