Cu 380

Copper (Cu) is essential for normal growth and development, pollen formation, and the fertilization process in self-pollinating plants. This element is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A, which is essential for protein synthesis. Copper deficiency manifests itself in leaf curling, causing grain rejection in wheat heads. In legumes, copper is important for the tuberous bacteria that form tubers.
The complex action of the fertilizer components promotes more intensive root development in the early stages, faster plant regeneration after winter, the formation and strength of lateral shoots, and increased resistance to early disease spread.

  • increases the pressure in the roots, improves their penetration into the soil,
  • promotes the formation of root hairs,
  • stimulates the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats,
  • increases plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions and diseases,
  • stimulates photosynthesis, nutrients, and energy metabolism, plants grow healthier and stronger.
Amount % Amount g/l
Copper (CU) 26,0 380
pH (1:10 H O) 1,0-2,0
Density 20 C, g/ml 1,42-1,47

Cu 380 can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use it with products containing sulfates, mineral oils, or alkaline products (pH> 8). Before mixing, it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture to check whether sediment is forming. It is also recommended to spray in a small area to check if there is no phytotoxic effect on plants.