
Liquid trace element fertilizer containing sulfur (S), boron (B), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn) and amino acid L proline.
During plant development, there is important interaction betw een N and S, which determines growth, yield and its quality and nitrogen efficiency to the crop.
Iron (Fe) is one of the most important trace elements, it plays a crucial role in the uptake of numerous nutrients. In the absence of iron, it is more difficult for the plants to absorb necessary nutrients. Iron is actively involved in plant metabolic processes, it is in enzymes, activates respiration, affects the processes of chlorophyll formation, and auxin biosynthesis. In the abscence of iron, plants stop growing and youngest leaves show signs of chlorosis.
L-Proline amino acid is important in more than a dozen plant growth and development processes.
Boron (B) promotes formation of plant generative organs.
Manganese (Mn) is included in the composition of many enzymes and participates in oxidation and reduction reactions, photosynthesis, and the processes of carbohydrates and nitrogen exchange.
Molybdenum (Mo), by stimulating chlorophyll synthesis, enhances photosynthesis, accelerates nitrate reduction and protein synthesis, increases protein and starch content.
Zinc (Zn) is part of the composition of many enzymes and is involved in various energy and nutrient metabolic processes. It is very important at the beginning of vegetation as it affects the formation of productive stems, their strength and grain formation.


  • strengthens the structure of the cell wall,
  • maintains the elasticity, permeability and integrity of the cell membrane,
  • participates in cell division and growth processes,
  • increases resistance of plants against rot (physiological),
  • strengthens resistance to droughts, pathogens and pests,
  • participates in transmission of plant vital impulses (second messenger),
  • stimulates metabolism of carbohydrates (sugars) in the plant, participates in their transport,
  • increases the viability of pollen and stimulates pollen growth,
  • improves protein synthesis,
  • stimulates plant growth and root development.
Amount % Amount g/l
Iron (Fe) 4,0 55
Amide nitrogen (N-NH2) 5,0 68
Sulphur (SO3) 10,0 135
Boron (B) 0,7 9,5
Manganese (Mn) 2,0 25
Molybdenum (Mo) 0,35 4,5
Zinc (Zn) 0,7 9,5
Amino acid L-Proline 0,37 5,0
pH (1:10 H2O) 7,0-8,0
Density 20C, g/ml 1,38-1,45

Mendelenium can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products containing high amounts of copper (Cu), sulphur (S), mineral oils and with alkaline products (pH > 8), with herbicides and with seed treatment where the label states “do not mix with fertilizers“. Before mixing it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture in order to check whether there is no sediment. It is recommended to spray in a small area in order to check whether there are no phytotoxic effects on plants.